I've always loved the sensory quality of your writing! I also can’t draw worth a damn. My kids have my husband’s artist skills, and they’ve each spent countless hours sketching during childhood. Natural ability gets amplified by practice. But the fun thing with writing is you can be, make, or do whatever you want. And I love the sketches you drew here :)

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Apr 10Liked by Amy Federman

I was going to say ‘words are your paint, duh’! I have occasionally written sketches like yours. I feel like it stretches my vocabulary in the attempt to catch each vivid detail. It can also be a good warmup exercise when the writing you want to do feels intimidating. I love the image of the cactus fingers and their flowers that know living is the celebration. (I need the reminder more often than not.)

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If you were a painter, you’d be an Impressionist. If I were a painter, I’d be an Expressionist (as in Action Painter). Different, pardon the pun, brush strokes for different folks. I appreciate your still lifes. They’re very good. But they represent a kind of writing that is foreign to me. As poet Philip Whalen said, “A poem is a graph of mind moving.”

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